Registered Apprenticeships are the gold standard of workforce development strategies and have been deployed as a tried and true approach to workforce development in many industries. H-CAP saw an opportunity to bring this powerful model to healthcare.
H-CAP created a national collaboration to build targeted workforce solutions through Registered Apprenticeship that effectively address healthcare industry challenges while improving job quality and developing pipelines/career advancement opportunities for healthcare workers. H-CAP serves as a national industry intermediary contractor with the U.S. Department of Labor providing technical assistance, subject matter expertise, shareable resources, and capacity building infrastructure.
The Office of Apprenticeship designated H-CAP as an Apprenticeship Ambassador in May 2023. Our ongoing partnership with the Department of Labor (DOL) enables us to actively promote the progress, expansion, and improvement of registered apprenticeship programs. Additionally, we are dedicated to fostering a more diverse workforce nationwide through our contributions and involvement in workforce development.
Ambulatory Coder
Assistant Case manager
Central Sterile Processing Technician
Certified Nursing Assistant
Community Health Worker (CHW)
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Emergency Medical Technician
Home Health Aide + Specialties
Hospital Code
Interventional Radiologic Technologist
Licensed Practical Nurse
Medical Assistant
Optical Dispenser
Support & Retention Coordinator 1 + 2
Surgical Technologist

The occupations registered with the U.S. Department of Labor and state departments of labor through H-CAP support are varied and targeted to high-growth, in-demand occupations, with demonstrable career pathways for apprentices. To view all approved healthcare apprenticeable occupations click here.
Increase the supply of skilled healthcare workers for a changing healthcare delivery system
Reduce turnover and related costs
Build internal training capacity and creating opportunity to focus on competency: highly flexible and customizable
Allow for non-traditional approaches to workforce education with real career pathways
Create accessible advancement opportunities for women, people of color, immigrants, and experienced low-wage workers
Registered Apprenticeship programs are successful because they are nimble, responding to changing industry demands by gathering direct input from employers, unions, and workers to create competency-based programs that both meet current industry needs and help to build the healthcare workforce of the future.
What you need to know
What services does H-CAP provide?
H-CAP provides a number of services to help build high quality apprenticeship programs. H-CAP’s services include, but are not limited to:
Providing technical assistance free of charge to develop your Registered Apprenticeship Program
Assisting you in working with the USDOL Office of Apprenticeship or State Apprenticeship Agency
Developing On-The-Job Learning competencies foreach occupation
Partnering with secondary and post-secondary educational providers for the academic portion of the apprenticeship
Partnering with the regional and local workforce system to assist in funding and other resources
Working on strategies to recruit and retain workforce including diversity
Providing incentive funding to help launch your program
Who do we Work With?
H-CAP is an Industry Intermediary with the US Department of Labor and works with employers across the country who are interested in building high quality apprenticeship programs. H-CAP provides services to union employers, non-union employers, labor management training partners, and other stakeholders to develop apprenticeship programs. All information shared with H-CAP in the course of working to develop apprenticeship programs is confidential.
what is the NCHA? How do i get Access?
The National Center for Healthcare apprenticeship acts as sponsor for an ever increasing number of healthcare occupations. The NJATC (the National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee) oversees the standards held by the national center and allows them to be used by employers and stakeholders across the country. Local committees on the ground are responsible for implementing RA programs and reporting apprentice and program information to HCAP. One of the National Center’s many strengths is in building collaborative relationships with a multitude of critical industry stakeholders. These include employers, unions, government agencies, workforce development systems, training funds and educational institutions, health systems, and research and evaluation entities. From designing, implementing, advising, learning and evaluating – collaboration will be a key ingredient in building an effective scalable system for healthcare apprenticeships that elevates workers and meets industry demand.